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So. Am. I.

This morning I reached into my #positivepostpal sack overflowing with thousands of positive messages from individuals here and around the 🌍 and pulled out some gold to cover the hate.

For every card these angry, lonely, emboldened, white supremacists hand out in Henrico, I’ll hand out 10 more.

Here's a to-do list for today:

1. Get out of your bubble.

2. Grab an empty bag.

3. Print out your own PPP ! (Here's a link )

4. Introduce yourself to someone outside your echo chamber.

5. Be more interested in growth than comfort.

6. Start a conversation.

7. Be the change.

8. It’s up to us.

Now, it's your turn!! I'd love to hear from you! Tell me in the comments below....

What are you doing to get out of your bubble and connect with others?

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